I'm grateful for having a best friend, a sister by blood I can count on always.
I'm grateful for a mom who will kick my ass because she loves me enough to be that person to me.
I'm grateful for a dad who is proud of me and is forever looking out for me, even when I make mistakes.
I'm grateful for a brother to laugh with, who almost always understands what I'm saying.
I'm grateful for having someone to sleep next to, to roll over and kick in my sleep.
I'm grateful for having people to hug me, and people for me to hug.
I'm grateful for having someone to be with, and to do absolutely nothing with.
I'm grateful for having friends to laugh with until my ribs hurt.
I'm grateful for having a dog and kitties to shower kisses with, who are always happy to see me.
I'm grateful for having an opportunity for education, to learn new things every day.
I'm grateful for having elders and people in my life to learn from.
I'm grateful for having sunshine, trees, water, and green grass.
I'm grateful for having food and the opportunity to eat when I am hungry.
I'm grateful for having a warm place to go when it is cold.
I'm grateful for having my health and that my loved ones do as well.
I'm grateful for having the same eyes as my brother and sister.
I'm grateful for having lots of fruits and vegetables.
I'm grateful for always having so many people to be happy about and to be grateful for always.
I'm grateful for having people that read my blog.
I'm grateful for music, for pictures, and for stories in all forms.
I'm grateful for eyebrows.
I'm grateful for razors.
I'm grateful for bandaids and eyeliner.
I'm grateful for chocolate.
I'm grateful for belly button rings and interesting socks.
I'm grateful for letters to write and phones to call people with.
I'm grateful for ALL OF YOU.
I am grateful to have a sensitive and loving daughter, who happens to be most beautiful inside and out. She is brilliantly witty and original...I am blessed to have her as my daughter and my friend; my forever. The jewel in my box of treasures.