Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Wi-Fi Zone

Great news, everyone! I am in a free wi-fi zone. Isn't that just fabulous? So there are lots of new things going on for me.

1. My roommates are still disgusting. This isn't new, but I thought I would continue to point it out, the new part is that I only have a month and a half left living with them. I am thrilled.
2. The heat outside is fantastic. It has been sunny and stupendous.
3. I folded my all of my clothes! So productive.
4. I went on a few adventures with boyfriend and some by myself.
5. I have experimented with new foods.
6. I have had two epic fails at baking sourdough bread. I am, however, an expert so far at making bread that is so dense it could be used as an anchor for a cruise vessel.

 Looks so innocent, doesn't it? Really that is the bread that refused to rise. Read: PURE EVIL.

7. Despite all of the food consumption and (excessive for me) sugar consumption, all of my clothes still fit. This is good.
8. I have a job. I am surrounded by books at this job, so it is perfect.
9. I am going to Portland, Maine with my family in two weeks! I am psyched.

So with these new things, I have some pictures. Some are of food experiments, others are of adventures:
This is an absolutely delicious sandwich. 
Arguably the MOST delicious sandwich in the whole entire world, even.
This sandwich is from Box Lunch on Cape Cod and Boyfriend brought me here because he is the best boyfriend in the world. It's called the 'Bean-Vee' and basically has re-fried beans, dark leaf lettuce, onions, red hots, tomatoes, and sprouts wrapped in this moist and most delicious pita. It is the best, and they also have a sandwich called the 'Hum-Vee' (the same except it has hummus instead of re-fried beans).

After fueling up at Box Lunch, Boyfriend took me to a farm near his house. It is a free range farm, so the animals do not spend their days caged in with little room. Visitors are encouraged to cuddle with the animals, as they are incredibly friendly. We participated in this activity with enthusiasm. I love animal cuddling.
You can't tell by looking at this picture, but the horned white goat is standing on the back of the goat Boyfriend is petting. Totally adorable and probably uncomfortable for the bottom goat.

This kid (baby goat) tried to nibble on our fingers! Can't lie to you, readers. I let him. And I enjoyed it.

This picture makes me laugh. Goat startled Boyfriend as he was trying to take pictures. 

This whole day made me smile until my cheeks were hurting. I kept referring to it as 'the BEST DAY EVER' because it honestly felt like that. It was so peaceful, social, and intimate at the same time. I really really loved hanging out with those goats. They really know how to show you a good time. There were sheep there as well (there are not as many pictures of the sheep as they were not nearly as interested in the camera as the goats). 

I did manage to catch a picture of this one sheep, though. Looks like he's grinning, doesn't it?

The farm also has workshops for elementary schools. This moth hatched right out of a cacoon! 
The quality of the picture isn't so great because I took it with my phone, but they are so fuzzy and beautiful!

 Another so-so quality photograph, but that is Boyfriend ducking behind the OLDEST TREE ON CAPE COD!
It is a Beech Willow. Gorgeous and wise with the craziest roots!

The day was finished off with Boyfriend and his friend Keith lighting off some fireworks on the beach. They managed to pack quite a punch despite their small size. We found a tubular sort of pipe-thing on the peach and stuck one half in the sand with the other pointing to the water. It made a tiny grenade launcher!

I know, I know. Fireworks are dangerous, and the big fourth of July ones scare the daylights out of the animals. These were not nearly as loud though, I promise.

Speaking of INDEPENDENCE DAY I did, unfortunately, have to spend it working. At least I made a decent amount of money out of holiday pay, but I had rather hoped to spend the fourth in Provincetown with Boyfriend like we did last summer. Oh, well. There will be other Independence days to do just that. Specifically next year. This whole working-on-the-fourth will not be happening next year :)

Now that you have had a peek into some adventures, you should really see what I have been working on in the kitchen.

 Bite sized Cherry Tartes! Delicious and super fun to make.

Fiddle-heads! I needed to try them. Word on the street is they have a kind of asparagus-y flavor. True that. 

They were so good! Not that I am completely surprised by that, I just was a little nervous. I just sauteed them in some olive oil and threw some salt and pepper on them to keep it simple so I could actually really taste them. I will definitely be having these again during fiddle-head season next year, especially since my mom told me they grow near our house!

Bean salad! I made this with Veganaise, leeks, sunflower seeds, red beans, and a dried cherries/raisin mixture. 

This reminded me so much of this chicken salad I used to eat way back when. I made some when I went home to visit my family and my omnivore sister gobbled it up! She's a pretty tough critic, so that definitely made me feel pretty good.

I turned THESE bruised apricots into.... *drumroll please*

APRICOT JAM! Isn't it beautiful? It is seriously tasty as well.

I kind of felt a bit like my grandmother. She REALLY knows how to stretch a dollar, and I saw these apricots in the waste section of the grocery store. I was able to buy them for mere cents (usually they are upwards of $2.49 a lb.) Besides saving money, everyone knows the best jams are made from bruised and squishy fruits. 

I can't wait to try this with other fruits! I'm thinking maybe strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries next time. Maybe even apple or plum. Who knows? We'll have to see what the supermarket wants to categorize as 'waste product'!

1 comment:

  1. I've never eaten fiddleheads, i don't think they are available in the U.k, well maybe cities like London. Anyway, i wanted to say as a veggie i do love the title of your blog. Off to explore some more.
